U.S Lightning Map

This U.S. lightning map will help you visualize just how many lightning strikes hit your area in 2019. With accurate, hyperlocal data from our total lightning network, we broke down cloud-to-ground lightning strikes from 2019 by state.

We detected 19,020,340 dangerous cloud-to-ground lightning strikes in the U.S. in 2019. Where did those strikes happen? Use the U.S. lightning map below to find out! Hover over each state to see the cloud-to-ground lightning strikes or click on the states you want to explore more data for.

Now that you’ve seen the map, try to see if you can answer the following questions:

  • Which state saw the most cloud-to-ground lightning strikes in 2019?
  • Which state saw the least cloud-to-ground lightning strikes in 2019?
  • What part of the United States saw the most lightning in 2019? Why do you think that is? (Hint: The answers are in our 2019 U.S. Lightning Report!)
The Earth Networks Total Lightning Network detected 19,020,340 cloud-to-ground lightning strikes in the U.S. in 2019. Find out where they happened with this lightning map: Share on X

About Our U.S. Lightning Map Data

animated lightning in a storm cloud

How do we detect lightning? Our Total Lightning Network™ is the first of its kind. With 1,800+ sensors covering over 100 countries around the world, our network is the most extensive and technologically-advanced global lightning network. We used this network to build our U.S. lightning map.

Total Lightning = Cloud-to-Ground strikes + In-Cloud strikes

Our ability to monitor in-cloud lightning sets us apart from other lightning networks by enabling the most complete lightning alert system. Detecting in-cloud lightning enables us to generate faster, lightning alerts and warn of other forms of severe weather like tornadoes, downbursts and hail.

Head over to Lightning Detection 101 to learn how we locate strikes and how our network works.

Explore Our Latest Lightning Reports

Want to dive deeper into our lightning data? You can click on the lightning reports below for the United States.