Your job demands that you have the latest information for any threat that could affect your operations. Whether you oversee one facility or manage distributed venues, having immediate access to new developments is critical. Weather changes can be unexpected, particularly severe weather such as lightning, hail, and high winds. When these events come out of the blue, our Sferic Mobile keeps you on top of things.
- Monitor your critical locations through our custom weather alerts engine
- Increase response lead time through immediate notifications to your iOS and Android device
- Be agile and update your alerting rules on the fly

Push notifications
The alerts will come straight to your phone. No more going in and checking email or logging into a tool to find out if hazardous weather is approaching. You'll already know.

Contextual mapping
See the visual representation of the alert on a map for easy orientation of which sites could be affected and when.

Configure and manage alert rules
Need to update the alert rules on the go? No problem. The iOS and Android compatible mobile app provides easy access to your admin portal so you can update the settings.