Solar Eclipse Map: Obscuration Percentages Across the U.S.
Will You Be Able to View the Solar Eclipse?
As the August 21st eclipse comes closer and closer, there is one big question on everyone’s minds: “Will I be able to see the eclipse?”
The answer depends on a number of things. However, there are two main factors. The first is the cloud coverage for your area, which will be easier to forecast as we get closer.
Second is your location. While everyone in the U.S. will get to see a glimpse of the eclipse, your location in relation to the path of totality will greatly effect your view.
Solar Eclipse Map
Most areas of the U.S. will see 50-75% obscuration on August 21.However, the very top of Maine will see 25%. On the other hand, a large swath of the mid-U.S. will see anywhere from 90-100%.
The image shows our headquarter’s location and the path of totality. You can see the dark blue line is 100% obscuration. This is also known as the path of totality. Our solar eclipse map shows that if you want to be plunged into complete darkness during the eclipse, your best locations are:
Salem, Oregon

Idaho Falls, Idaho

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
North Platte and Falls City, Nebraska

Kansas City, Missouri

Southern St. Louis and Bowling Green, Kentucky
Madisonville, Tennessee
Blairsville, Georgia

The western portion of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, North Carolina

Columbia, South Carolina
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