NRPA 2018: Schedule Time for Severe Weather Safety 

NRPA 2018 is right around the corner!

We’ll be at this year’s NRPA Annual Conference at the end of this month. If you’ll be one of the 8,000 park and recreation professionals in Indianapolis with us September 25-27, you will have a lot on your plate!

Between exciting keynote speakers, education sessions, workshops, and training there is a lot to do over the course of three days. You should also make time to educate yourself on the more serious aspects of running a parks and recreation organization, like severe weather safety.

Visit Us at Booth #818 

The Earth Networks team will be at the NRPA 2018 to help answer all of your severe weather safety questions and concerns. The two experts we have attending are Stuart Hershon and Randy Smith.

Stuart and Randy and two of the most knowledgeable individuals in the industry. Stuart, our Enterprise Solutions Specialist, and Randy, our Homeland Security Specialist, will be at booth #818. You can visit them during the conference to find out how we help facilities overcome severe weather challenges every day.

Even if you only have five minutes to spare, come visit booth #818 because you never know what Mother Nature will bring.

Another good reason to visit booth #818 is for your chance to win a portable YETI Cooler! We’ll also have plenty of other giveaways that should convince you to put us on your busy schedule. Pick a time that works for you by clicking the button below!


Severe Weather and Parks and Recreation

Outdoor safety is paramount to park facility managers and other employees. You need severe weather intelligence products and services to ensure your recreational facility or park operations run smoothly. When you use the right tools, you can easily:

  • Protect and inform staff, members, and patrons about dangerous weather
  • Automatically clear outdoor areas when lightning approaches
  • Monitor environmental factors that can affect grounds-keeping activities


Remember that is only takes one severe weather event to do costly damage to your facility. Heavy rains can ruin fields, lightning can endanger guests and athletes, and extremely dry conditions can make forest fires more likely.

More About NRPA 2018

The NRPA 2018 Annual Conference will be at the Indiana Convention Center. This year there are some new and updated features. For example, there will be new off-site institutes and excursions. Make sure you join the Local Host Committee to learn more about the Indianapolis area.

This year there will be even more mobile workshops as well. This is great for parks and recreation professionals who enjoy being on the move.

In addition to our YETI giveaway, there will be other chances to win in the exhibit hall. NRPA’s “Show Me the Money” program will be in the exhibit hall where you’ll have a chance to win cash prizes. You’re welcome!

If you want to download resources and materials like the exhibitor list, session presentations, and handouts, you can head over to NRPA’s website. This link will guide you to the materials you’re looking for and it features a nifty conference countdown.

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s conference and hope you have a fun and educational experience! Don’t forget to schedule an appointment with our experts and let us know you’re going on Twitter!

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