Meet the Earth Networks Field Technicians: Joe Considine

  • Mar 22, 2018

Meet Joe Considine!

Joe Considine, Earth Networks Field Technician

Over the past few months, our readers have got an inside look at one of the hardest working teams here at Earth Networks. Our Field Technicians are regular Earth Networks experts. They know everything about every severe weather safety and decision-making tool we offer.

Not only that, but this team is composed of some of the most interesting folks Earth Networks has to offer. As an organization, we’re lucky to have these guys. On the other hands, our customers are lucky to have dedicated experts to install and maintain equipment as well as answer any questions.

This week, let’s get to know our Field Tech, Joe Considine.

All About Joe

Joe Considine has been an Earth Networks Field Technician for three years now. He’s one of the closest techs to our headquarters in Germantown, Maryland. He covers Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C. and has occasionally worked in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Delaware as well. Basically, you can find him anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic / Northeast region of the United States.

As a Field Tech for Earth Networks, Joe installs and maintains of weather, lightning, and camera network equipment in his region. This includes hardware like weather stations, Outdoor Alerting Systems, and HD cameras. He also provides information and answers customer questions about our products and equipment.

Joe Considine's favorite places to work are schools

His favorite places to install equipment are schools. Besides knowing that our severe warnings help save people’s lives, he enjoys how fascinated students are by the weather. Our weather tools aren’t just about protecting people from severe weather like hurricanes, cloud-to-ground lightning strikes, and flash flooding.

Where to Find Joe

A typical day for Joe – and for our other field techs – isn’t typical at all. Every day is a little different, which is why so many of our Field Technicians enjoy their jobs. “When I’m not doing installs, I spend most days maintaining weather stations in areas where we have maintenance agreements.”

For our customers, a maintenance agreement is one of the biggest values of having weather equipment. A lot of weather intelligence providers simply install and forget about clients. However, here at Earth Networks, we are dedicated to making sure all of our equipment is up and running and all of our customers are getting the absolute most out of their customized solution.  That’s why Sferic Protect, our latest subscription-based offering, includes maintenance from our Feild Technicians Team as well as event support from our meteorologists.

Learn more about Sferic Protect

On days off, you can find Joe enjoying all Mother Nature has to offer. On the weekends he likes to spend time with his family at a small cabin on a river in West Virginia. Sounds peaceful!

Do You Know Joe?

Have you worked with Joe or know him? Please share any great stories about him in the comments below. We hate to brag, but we really do love our Field Technicians. Share the Field Tech love in the comments section below or on social media!

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