High Winds and Heavy Rains Tear Through Malawi
High winds and heavy rains swept through Mawali, Africa on 16 November 2015. Our Earth Networks weather stations reported that this storm cell was accompanied by high levels of lightning in the area of Blantryre and Limbe. The wind and rain blew roofs off of houses and displaced multiple vehicles. The winds also uprooted trees and sent them crashing into cars and homes.
Photo: www.nyasatimes.com
The below video shows a time-lapse of both in-cloud (purple) and cloud-to-ground (yellow) lightning picked up by our ENcast satellite system.
As the rain moved north throughout the region it also brought flooding. Flood waters entered many shops and left over 500 people from chiefs Mpherembe, Maulao and Mtwaro homeless. There were no casualties reported.