Afternoon Storms Push Toward Coast Dropping Temps and Rainfall
1 October 2013, 15:15 UTC: A line of storms that developed over Haute Guinee and Moyenne Guinea has been steadily moving westward throughout the afternoon. The storms moved through Mali between 13:00 and 15:00 today and dropped temperatures from 20.5C to 13.1C. The storms also dumped from 10-40 cm of rain over roughly 90 minutes.

Visualization system shows lightning associated with storms across the western half of Guinea. Purple polygons indicate areas under Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts for heavy rain and frequent lightning along with some gusty winds. - Radar also showed a line of storms forming inland along a sea breeze front in Basse Guinea. These storms will continue to develop and drift slowly west. The additional storms moving out of the highlands to the east could act to enhance these coastal storms and create even more intense displays of lightning and rainfall after sunset.

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la ligne de grains observee des le matin au sud du mali et a traverse la majeure partie de la guinee. elle est accompgnee de rafales de vent atteignant 90 Km/h. des averses de pluie ont ete observe dans tout le parcours. a conakry les averes ont occasionne des inondations entre 14H et 17H.