Afternoon Storms Again Hit NW Guinea
30 October 2013, 17:00 UTC: Meteorologists at the Guinea Meteorological Directorate have been monitoring another round of afternoon storms developing over the hills and highlands of Basse Guinea. As has been an almost daily occurance that a watch can be set by, storms have formed over the higher terrain where continental easterlies converage with Atlantic sea breezes.

These locations have seen a daily parade of storms that meteorologists have monitored each day for potential severity. Each day, a number of storms have developed into potentially severe storms based on total lightning data detected by the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network. Dangerous thunderstorm alerts have been issued for the storms that show a slow drift toward the west and the coast.

Meteorologists tracking the storms expect them to begin to develop around noon-time and slowly move westward. The storms have been noted to have life spans of a couple hours as storms die and reform. Typical storms can drop 25-50 mm of rainfall in an hour.
Total rainfall over the past 7 days in this region can also be estimated by the meteorologist using the PulseRad simulated radar. Radar reflectivity is translated into estimated rainfall at the surface. Meteorologists have been able to use this system to show that parts of Fouta Djallon have had 150 – 200 mm of rain in the past 7 days and are very prone to flash flooding as new storms approach.

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30 octobre, le chef de la station meteo de kamsar Mr Finaly Conde informe qu en ce moment 7:52pm un orage avec des vents violents est entrain de s abattre sur la ville. la population accourt pour se proteger. des eclairs sont entrain de tonner.
Dr BAH M L DN meteo Guinea