AEM Announces Consortium to Design and Implement a New Early Warning System for Flooding and Mass Movements in Peru
- Oct 29, 2021
We are proud to announce that Advanced Environmental Monitoring (AEM) signed an agreement between the consortium formed by AEM, GCZ Ingenieros, Advanced Radar Company (ARC), and Telegrafia a.s. to design and implement an Early Warning System (EWS) for flooding and mass movements in the main basins of Peru (from Tumbes to Ica) with the Autoridad para la Reconstrucción con Cambios (ARCC). The new contract for Early Warning Flood System in Peru will enable a safer environment in Peru by equipping the country with the equipment, software, predictive analytics, and services needed to prepare for potential flooding.
The project is a profound and critical undertaking, as Peru is routinely affected by hydrological disasters including coastal flooding, mudslides, flash floods and heavy rainfall. Thousands of people in Peru are displaced due to heavy rain seasons and rising rivers. Early Warning Systems address these environmental challenges and provide the country with protection in the event of natural disasters.

About the Consortium
The consortium is a group of leading environmental innovators coming together to offer an integrated nationwide monitoring and forecasting system for flood resiliency.
GCZ Ingenieros is an EPC contractor in Lima, Peru that specializes in the development of engineering and the construction of hydroelectric power plants. GCZ has its own capacities for the execution of civil works, tunnels, metalworking works, substations and transmission lines.
Telegrafia a. s. is a Slovakian manufacturer and supplier of innovative products and solutions in the field of early warning and notification systems with their own development capacities. Their main scope of business includes electronic sirens, compact electronic sirens, mobile electronic sirens, PA systems, and specialized software for control centers.
Advanced Radar Company (ARC) is a leading provider of advanced weather radar and software solutions. The company focuses on building end-to-end systems that are simple to operate, accurate, reliable, and maintainable. In addition to weather radar systems, ARC provides advanced Engineering and Scientific services for application specific environmental monitoring and multi-sensor integration.
The Advanced Environmental Monitoring (AEM) family of companies offers reliable and innovative environmental monitoring and analysis solutions. We help our clients understand and manage their water-related missions, from flood and road weather safety, to dams, stormwater, wastewater, and water resource management. Our expertise encompasses the best environmental monitoring and water-related software and technologies, from gauging, telemetry, and remote sensing, to visualization, alerting, analysis, notification, and control. These technologies enable decision makers to improve their reaction time to weather and environmental events, helping to protect communities, people, and infrastructure. The AEM family includes Davis Instruments, Earth Networks, FTS Inc., High Sierra Electronics, Lambrecht meteo, OneRain, and Vieux and Associates.
About the ARCC
Autoridad para la Reconstrucción con Cambios (ARCC) is Peru’s reconstruction agency, whose mission is to rebuild infrastructure in 13 regions in Peru affected by devasting El Niño floods of 2017. The severe weather events left 162 dead, 300,000+ homeless and destroyed schools, hospitals, roads and electrical and communications infrastructure.
What the Project Entails for Implementing Early Warning Flood Systems in Peru
The scope of this project includes building out an Early Warning System (EWS) for flooding and mass movements in the main basins of Peru, from Tumbes to Ica.
Developing the Early Warning System for flooding in Peru consists of four components, including:
- Identification of Risks
- Monitoring and Forecasting
- Dissemination and Communication
- Responsiveness
As part of the newly signed contract, AEM will work with the other companies to fulfil the requirements for each of the components. These improvements will be made by implementing new monitoring and forecasting systems, alerts and warning systems, and overall knowledge transfer to the populations and organizations linked to the Early Warning System around risk awareness.

The AEM family is contributing hydro-meteorological monitoring and alerting equipment as well as software and professional services. OneRain and Vieux will develop an Early Warning System Design overall plan for the project along with equipment recommendations. Some of the potential AEM equipment and software to be used in the Early Warning Flood Systems in Peru will come from OneRain, Vieux, and Earth Networks. These include:
- Hydro Monitoring Stations
- Climate Automatic Weather Stations
- Rain Gauges
- Lightning Network
- Mudflow/Landslide Monitoring
- Data collection & Display + Integration
- Contrail
AEM’s Mission to Improve Environmental Monitoring
AEM is a global leader in environmental monitoring, with a goal of providing reliable and innovative environmental monitoring and analysis solutions both domestically and abroad. AEM is proud to partake in this consortium to design and implement a new Early Warning System for flooding and mass movements in Peru. This new AEM contract for Early Warning Flood Systems in Peru will help the country reduce its risk for tragedies resulting from flooding disasters. Early Warning Systems save lives, therefore hydrological improvements in Peru via monitoring, modeling, predicting, and alerting will be both valuable and critical.