AEM 2022 Heat Stress Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: The Heat is On: ​How to Protect Athletes, Workers, and Visitors from Extreme Heat

The 2022 Heat Webinar was recorded on June 29, 2022 and was presented by Neil Burkinshaw, Sr. Account Executive for AEM. 

Summer is upon us, and hot days are here again. Did you know that over the past 5 years, the U.S. has experienced 6% more 90-degree days than the average over the previous 30 years? This trend signals that heat-related illness and hospitalizations will be on the rise again in 2022. The 2022 Heat Stress Webinar is a one-hour learning session focusing on how you can actively manage and mitigate the dangerous risks of heat stress by implementing a plan for heat stress management.

In April, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) implemented new enforcement initiatives for the increased risk of heat-related hazards in the workforce due to climate change. In addition, more states are considering laws, like the Zachary Martin Law in Florida, to establish statewide prevention mandates to protect student-athletes from heat stroke and related illnesses.

Consequently, having an effective heat stress management plan and monitoring key indicators like Heat Index and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) has never been more important.

Throughout the AEM 2022 Heat Stress Webinar, viewers will learn:

  • Where heat-related hazards are on the rise in the U.S.​
  • How heat-related stress impacts your workers, student athletes, visitors, and more ​
  • Why is monitoring heat stress important​
  • What is Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) ​
  • How to implement a heat stress management policy


Register here to watch the 2022 AEM Heat Stress webinar on-demand.

On the 2022 Heat Stress Webinar Agenda: What will you learn about heat stress safety?

  • Where heat-related hazards are on the rise in the United States

The 90+ degree days are trending upwards in many regions of the United States, with warmer than average temperatures expected for most of the United States in 2022. In light of rising temperatures across the country, it is now more important than ever to accurately monitor heat stress.

  • How heat-related stress impacts your workers, student athletes, visitors, and more

Heat stress occurs when your body cannot cool itself enough to maintain a healthy temperature. The combination of clothing, environmental factors, and physical exertion can be key contributors. Workers, student athletes, and visitors are susceptible to heat stress in all regions of the U.S., both indoors and outdoors.

  • Why is monitoring heat stress important ​ ​

Monitoring heat stress is important to reduce the stakes for your organization, such as liability, injury, or death. On April 8, 2022, OSHA implemented a National Emphasis Program for Outdoor and Indoor Heat-Related Hazards​. The goal is to identify and eliminate or reduce worker exposures to occupational heat-related illnesses and injuries.

  • What is Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) ​ ​

WBGT is an apparent measurement used to estimate the most accurate level of heat stress in direct sunlight. WBGT is a generally accepted standard for heat stress management ​that considers multiple environmental factors. The Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is a parameter that estimates the effect of temperature, relative humidity, wind, and solar radiation on humans.

  • How to implement a heat stress management policy

Heat-related illnesses are preventable with a plan to monitor and alert and adjust activities when WBGT reaches certain thresholds. Learn more in the AEM 2022 Heat Stress Webinar on-demand.


More Resources: 2022 Heat Stress Report

We hope you enjoy the on-demand webinar and learning how you can actively abc. To learn more about heat stress safety, check out our 2022 U.S. Heat Stress Report. The 2022 AEM Heat Stress Report is designed to inform readers about heat stress safety, the rise of heat-related hazards, and how to protect students, workers, and visitors from extreme heat.


Featured Presenter

Neil Burkinshaw, Sr. Account Executive, AEM

As a Sr. Account Executive for AEM, Neil is responsible for identifying and providing weather-based solutions for state and local governments. He joined AEM in March 2015 and has spent his time working with state and local governments on severe weather issues including lightning and heat stress management. Neil has also spoken at a number of conferences on best practices and policy implementation.

Watch the AEM 2022 Heat Stress Webinar On-Demand!