6 Reasons Sferic Connect Keeps Your Organization Safe from Severe Weather

  • Jun 11, 2019

How Sferic Connect Keeps Your Business Safe From Severe Weather

Weather and climate disasters cost the U.S. $91 billion and approximately 400 lives last year. How much did your business lose?

Weather and climate disasters cost the U.S. $91 billion and approximately 400 lives last year. How much did your business lose? Share on X

Sferic Connect is the new way to protect your organization from these types of losses. Built specifically for organizations who need to protect employees and the general public from severe weather, Sferic Connect streamlines everyday weather information and critical alerts to the people who need them most.

Having a single point of truth for all employees can ensure response plans are aligned. Here are six reasons Sferic Connect is a critical tool for businesses that needed a coordinated program for employees spread out over different areas.

A blue cloud and sun weather icon on a grey circle background1. One Reliable Weather Source

There are dozens of weather applications out there. Which is the best? It’s well known why organizations purchase commercial weather solutions instead of relying on free weather apps, including the benefits of real-time hyperlocal weather and lightning sensors. Beyond that, it’s important to consider how important it is for each employee to use the same weather app.

When distributed employees access weather data from different applications, they could see very different current conditions, forecasts, and alerts. This means that some employees may decide to trigger an emergency response, and others may choose not to based on inconsistent weather information. In order to reach your weather safety and continuity goals, all employees should access the same weather data and alerts so everyone is working from the same information.

Blue bell icon with two lines representing sound on a grey circle background2. Administrator Defined Weather Notification

If you’re using a weather application that sends you alerts for severe weather, that’s a step in the right direction. However, not all severe weather alerts apply to all aspects and personnel of your business. Think about the different departments, locations, and activities that make up your business. Does everyone always need every weather alert?

Your business is unique, and your weather alerts should be too. That’s why Sferic Connect comes with custom notification settings. As an administrator, you control who receives weather alerts, when they receive them, and what weather events trigger an alert.

Blue phone icon with alert icon in the middle3. End User Opt-Out Prevention

You can tell your employees to pay attention to weather alerts, but there are a lot of things that can disrupt these safety messages. Maybe your employees don’t have push notifications turned on. Maybe they deleted your organization-approved weather app. Or maybe they disabled the alerts so they can go on with business as usual.

With Sferic Connect, you can rest assured knowing your alerts get delivered. That’s because Sferic Connect comes with the ability to lock access to the application. You can lock users from deleting the app and silencing notifications on their work mobile phones. This feature means there’s absolutely no way for them to opt out. With Sferic Connect you know your carefully-configured weather alerts aren’t being ignored.

A blue icon of an horn making noise and a line through it to represent silence4. Alert Silence Times

Let’s say you have mobile lightning alerts set up for your 9-5 employees, but those alerts never clock out. How happy do you think your employees will be if a lightning alert wakes them up at 3 a.m.?

You want your weather safety policy and technologies to make your employees feel valued, not annoyed (or even angry). That’s why we included silence times in Sferic Connect, so your employees won’t receive alerts when they’re not on the clock. You’re in charge of the silence times – so again, they can’t opt out.

Blue phone icon with blue thunder cloud and lightning strike on the screen5. Mobile Weather Alert

Sometimes you just want to keep track of the weather. Where is the nearest rain? What direction is it moving it? Is there lightning? There are ways to access weather radar and lightning maps online, but what about when you’re on-the-go?

You and your employees can access mobile weather radar on Sferic Connect. That means they can check on conditions both where they work and where their friends and families are located. You probably have a few weather enthusiasts at work who will love you for it!

Blue global data icon6. Central Weather Hub

Sferic Connect isn’t just about connecting your employees to potentially life-saving weather data. It’s about connecting them to each other and to your business’ goals. Encourage employees to share mobile weather 7 day forecasts and current conditions with one another.

By offering a central weather hub to your employees (powered by commercial-grade weather data) you’re showing them you’re invested in their safety.

Employee Safety & Weather

Part of business continuity and risk management is ensuring your employees are healthy enough to safely complete the responsibilities of their jobs. Besides newsworthy weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes, there are simple, everyday threats that come from Mother Nature.

Lightning, flooding, and extreme temperatures are some of the most common weather threats that can compromise worker safety. Sferic Connect helps you monitor even the “little things” (like wet bulb globe temperature, for example) that can make a huge impact.

You can learn more about Sferic Connect by visiting our product page.

A red question mark over a grey circle backgroundQuestions?

Do you have any questions about our new offering, Sferic Connect? Please leave them in the comments section below and we’ll have one of our weather experts get back to you as soon as possible.

If Sferic Connect doesn’t seem like the perfect fit for your organization’s weather solution needs, try checking out 24/7 Meteorological Services or our automated Outdoor Alerting System.

We firmly believe there’s a weather solution for every business. As an admin, it’s your job to protect your employees. As a weather solution provider, it’s our job to find the best tool(s) for you to get the job done. You can learn more about who we are and the work we do by watching the video below. Stay safe!